Friday, October 31, 2008

08' Election

Me vote, for any of them... no, if I could, I still wouldn't vote. Why, you may ask me, well because. Why because, because are vote don't even count, it's the electoral votes. The electoral votes are vote made from "special" people. (that's what I call them). There the ones picked by the states, who's votes really count. Isn't that nice, are vote don't even count. There just the popular votes, they don't pick the next president. Don't you feel special. So yeah, really I don't even care for Obama or McCain. There both at least better the then George Bush. I... strongly dislike that dude, really. You ever notice, that he always looks he's looking directly into the sun. So yeah whatever, maybe someday all be able to move to New Zealand.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


High School drama is like running water, everyday there's a new canal.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oct. 28, 2008

The day I woke up, rolled out of bed. Turned up my radio. Ran into a few walls as I walked to the bathroom. Threw water on my face, to hopefully wake up some more. Didn't help I still walked into another wall. As I walked bake into my room, I gave up. I soon fell on the floor. I did up and got dressed... an hour later. On the I listen to the radio, starring under my bed.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Do You Know?

Did you know, I didn't. Know what, what should I know. Do I care, yes, no, maybe. What should I find out, know what. What to know, what to learn. Learn what, learn to know. Know to teach. Should I teach, do I know, do I not know. What do I need to know to teach, or to learn. Do I need to teach to learn, and not learn to teach... Do any of you have any idea of what I'm talking about.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Camping Trip Of.... H.E. Double Hockey Sticks, Well It Had It's Moments

Above two weeks ago, I had a dream. In this dream I dreamt that me and the 26 people in my high school went camping. Mason in my class found egg rolls and broke up with his girlfriend for someone else. One week later the teachers tell us were going on a camping trip. I'm psychic. So we go on this camp trip at this place called Camp Sylvester. Well, so much happen I'll have to shorten it up. Here I go. On the way there Cody played a banjo. We song the One Semester Spanish Love Song. The bus drive got lost, and went around circles for like an hour. When we got there we all were assigned into groups. My group, Your Mom, was pretty cool. Get it my team name was "Your Mom". We got to make skips and songs. That was pretty cool. My friend Sarah got scared by my friend Jamin five times, and again one time in the morning... You know, all I have to say is this was the most... horrid, fun, wonderful, scary, awesome, thank everyone for this trip, jump up and down, random, best trip ever.

Happy Not Yet Halloween

Happy Halloween everybody. I hope you have something fun planned. I hope I do to. So comment and tell me what your going to be. Me, I'm going to be Tom Cruse. I think that's how you spell his last name. Well, I'm very happy cause today is... a nice day, but I'm kind of sad. Sad, because I'm losing my voice. You know that's ok, I'll live. So Happy Halloween and... I'm watching you.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Quotesness

You're slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter.

Never laugh at a clown with a gun.

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.

When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.


If a cow laughed, would milk come out of it's nose?


Play the music, not the instrument.  ~Author Unknown

The Beatles

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. - The Beatles, The End

There are places I remember all my life, though some have changed. Some forever, not for better, some have gone and some remain. - The Beatles, In My Life

Let it be, let it be. There will come an answer, let it be. - The Beatles, Let It Be

All these places have their moments with lovers and friends, I still can recall. Some are dead and some are living in my life, I've loved them all. - The Beatles, In My Life

Of all these friends and lovers there is no one who compares with you. And these memories lose their meaning when I think of love as something new. - The Beatles, In My Life

Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about. - The Beatles, Strawberry Fields Forever

I'd like to be under the sea in an Octopus's garden in the shade. - The Beatles, Octopus's Garden

Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they're here to stay. Oh, I believe in yesterday. - The Beatles, Yesterday

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding everything you see. - The Beatles, Strawberry Fields

Love has a nasty habit of disappearing overnight. - The Beatles, I'm Looking Through You

The Ramones

I got a lot to say, I got a lot to say, I got a lot to say. I can't remember now, I can't remember now, I can't remember now. - Ramones, Got Alot To Say

Look out, here comes Spiderman. Is he strong? Listen bud, he's got radioactive blood. - Ramones, Spiderman

I don't want to be buried in a pet cemetery. - Ramones, Pet Cemetery

Hey, ho, let's go. - Ramones, Blitzkrieg Bop

I met her at Burger King, we fell in love by the soda machine. - Ramones, Oh Oh I Love Her So

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Why Would You

Why would you try so hard, not to be yourself?
Why would you believe these lies?
Why would you take the chance?
Why would you keep trying it?
Why would you lie to yourself, that's ok?
Why would you lie to everyone you love?
Why would you sit and do nothing?
Why would you yell at everyone around you?
Why would you hit the ones you love?
Why would you block everyone off?
Why would you not go to school?
Why would you not get a job?
Why would you still live in your parent house house at the age of 30?
Why would you go to jail?
Why would you breakdown and cry?
Why didn't you just say NO?



Name that song!

Where I Live...

Me... I live in California... I hate California, I know, I know. Most of you are probably made at me, well... so what! No, sorry... I'm just getting tired of Cali that's all. Why don't I like Cali, simple. Everyday I head something about someone stupid doing something stupid. I'm really tired of it. Yet, that's kind of happening all over the USA, hhmmm? Yep, it is. So well everyday, I get for school. I don't eat breakfast, cause... I just never do. I go to school. School is  pretty cool. I one of the first freshman class of a new school. So yeah, we get laptops, and other stuff. Oh and we get to make movies and videos. It's awesome, meanly do to the fact that my dream and future career is to become a film director. "River The Greatest Director In The World" I can see it now.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Good morning, have you seen my sunglasses?

Friday, October 3, 2008


This avatar is me so... me. It’s has a skateboarding like me. It has a recycling shirt, and I love to recycle and care for the environment. It’s even has a peace sign necklace, “make peace not war”. I really do hate war. You probably wondering why it has a news paper hat, well it has to do with recycling and... well my love for hat. I love hats. It’s skinny jeans and even the same color and style of my hair. It’s me, yes, and I love it. 

YoU tHiNk YoU'rE aWeSoMe????

Then join my blog. You know you want to.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

"Breaking Dawn"

        Unlike many books I have read this book seems to have everything. Romance, suspense, danger, adventure, death, and even comedy. The author Stephenie Meyer made this book almost, or even more trilling then a roller coaster. This is the kind of book once you start reading it, you’ll be fight with yourself to put it done. After reading all the “Twilight Series, I would have to say “Breaking Dawn” was the best of them all. All your questions from the last books come crashing down in one big answer. Sometimes I could only read just two chapters, just to soak in the information. Everything I wished that would happen in the book, seemed to just happen. Even horrid things were fun to read.

          The really took a turn. At the beginning it was a little slow, but with in a few chapter this author was one a roll. I know this is the last book I can’t help to wonder if she’ll make few or just one more for the “Twilight” fans. The first book will suck you in with vampires coming from the shadows. The second book will break your heart. The third book will unlock dark secrets about close friends. The fourth book will have you dreaming you were in the book. Or maybe you’ll be dreaming you could be in the book from the beginning.

          If you have read all the other Twilight Series” books, I promise you will be happy with this one. If you haven’t read any of them. All I can say is, what are you waiting for. Sink your teeth into one the greatest best-selling vampire novels of all time. Edward and Bella are waiting for you. 

Oct. 3

I hope you all will look wonderful tomorrow, like magical ponies at candy mountain...
"Charlie, Chhhhaaaarlie, Chhhhhhhaaaaaaaarlie, Chhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaarlie, Chhhhaaaa-"
"... We're on a bridge Charlie."
"... Yeah, a bridge to candy mountain."
"Umm... Yeah."
Ha ha ha ha, Oh wow I love that clip.
"Look Charlie"
"Yeah Look Charlie"
"Oh god what is that."
"It a leoperadon Charlie." 
"Yeah, a leoperadon."

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

... I Have No Idea...

You can’t wrap love, but you can wrap a person in a hug.


Friendship is like peeing in your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.


Even if yours whisper eats my ear, your voice shall be the only song I long to hear.

-Say Anything (the band)

Don’t worry your not weird your crazy, it’s ok crazy people get free jackets.

-River Harmony

Break my friend’s heart, I’ll break your face.


Be strong now, things will get better. It maybe stormy now, but there will be clear weather.


Tell Me Which One Is Your Favorite

How Do You Spell One Of The Greatest Words Ever?

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, that’s how dude. Ok so you want me to be random. Well, here I go. Ok this one I was walking down the road, when out of nowhere a unicorn comes out from the trees. I know a unicorn, I mean I love unicorns, but I didn’t even know they were ... you know really. That reminds me this one I was one myspace, and someone like sent me a unicorn message ... and just around the corner there’s a rainbow in the sky, so let have another cup of coffee and lets have another piece of pie... Dude what is the name of that song... I love that song. If only, if only I could remember. Remember shoes ... my vans are pretty hot. I love these shoes. There so nice. I never knew what millions of kinds of cookies there are in the world. So if someone ate your face off, what would you do. I would be like oh my goodness. Like, so what... Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh yeah!