Thursday, October 29, 2009


Onua, I swear she's crazy. She's my land lord, but I honestly don't know how she got there. I don't even think she has a job. I know she always barbecuing. What? I have no idea, but one day, when I went over to hand her the check for rent last month.... Is the reason I'm not living there now. It was Tuesday, September 13. I sat at the table balancing my money, I wrote the check... I wonder if she even speaks english... I never hear her talk really. I ripped the check from the book, and slammed the door, I think I'll be in debt this month! I stubbed down the steps to her. I raised my head, I really need to act nice, it's only half the rent. I raised my hand, the door opened. "Ahhh! You Sarah!" I haven't even knocked yet... how did she know, there's no window... "You come in! You want food? Ummmy, very tasy!" She screamed. I followed her to the yard. She opened her barbecue... "What... is that..."

"Ummm they called spiders!"


So I shoot her in the face, and ran off! And now I'm here in jail!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Forever Fifteen

Forever Fifteen
by Kimberly Steele

Lucy Albert was born in the era of the Black Plague in medieval Italy, she become a vampire against her will. Now she lives in New York living in the modern world. It started out with Lucy at school, a boy named Jon asking for a pencil, they both ended out up in detention. Jon showed interest in her, but Luck denied it. While everyone was asleep she snuck out for feed. She picked an old fat man named Ray, who has a history of the unforgiven. She buried him next to the girl he raped and killed last summer, just to have a little irony.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The scariest thing ever...

To me... any spider. My head pops whenever I see a glimpse of what might be one, and sometimes it's just a flying or a sunspot from the conner of my eye. One story came to mind, it's short, but kinda funny. I remember on a Saturday, I had my friend JJ and Daisy over, we were getting ready to watch a movie, but you can't watch a movie without popcorn. Daisy was being lazy, and it was freezing outside. So JJ came with me to walk up stair, it was dark and all I had was a small flashlight and no one was home, we walked up the stairs, Daddy Long Legs everywhere. I opened the front door with the bag of popcorn in hand, JJ behind me. I turned to him as he was closing the door, and there by his shoulder was a spider the size of my fist. I pointed, with my dropping jaw, "Oh, my, god!". "What?" He turned to see what I was look at, and at a instant he let out it's high pitched scream and the door slammed shut. Knocking the spider to the ground, lucky if fell outside, and not inside. And then we made popcorn... oh and today I almost got hit by a car... but that's a longer story....

Monday, October 12, 2009

The greatest thing I have ever...

... smelt. It filled the air around, embracing me. I walk down the hall following the smell... Apple... peaches... Chocolate... New Car... I never smelt it this before, I continued down the hall, to the open door leading out side. The light pierced through the glass of the door, blinding the out side view. I lifted my hand trying to block some of the sun light. I leaning my head in to catch the scent the again... "From my back yard?" I round my eyes to the left of me, their my dog sat there staring at me. She didn't move, nor blink, she seems... lifeless. "Clair?" She stood up and trotted off, disappeared behind the house. Out of curiosity I follow, as I walked the smell grew stronger. She was gone... the fenced end, and there was nowhere she could have gone... "Did she freakin' get out again?" My voice sounded horse from the terrible cold I had.
At the corner of my eye a gold light appeared, there on the ground was a coin. I bent to pick it up, looked like something from a Lucky Charms commercial... I then heard a small voice from behind. "Hey there that's mine coin!" An irish accent? What? I turned to see, have my eye lied to me... A leprechaun. Yes I could smell it, it hung around him. The smell wasn't bad, not at, if fact it was amazing. "You smell amazing, like... roses, and tea... and cookies... and home..." I muttered. " Well I'll trade you a bottle of my Leprechaunless La Sweet by Calvin Klein for my coin?" So I did, and that's was I were to school everyday, and it
only makes it better that I'm Irish.

The End :)

Image Palette

Monday, October 5, 2009

Intro to Reading to BLOG

Intro to Reading to BLOG


Book Name: Empire

Author: David Dunwoody

Publisher: Permuted Press

City: Doesn’t say....

Vocabulary- List the word, syllabicate it, write the page number you found it on, what it means to you and rewrite the sentence that used the word in book.

Unusual Word 1: eroding

Page number: 16

Definition: v.

1. To wear away by or as if by abrasion.

2. To eat into; ulcerate.

Sentence as used in story:

Write the sentence in quotation marks.

“The imaginary lines that defined the United States were eroding every day.”

Unusual Word 2: non-perishables

Page number: 2o

Definition: Food that does not go "off" or grow mold or need to be kept in the refrigerator.

Sentence as used in story:

Write the sentence in quotation marks.

“Soup, ramen, seasoning, powered milk, all non-perishables.

Summary - The book started out on the first chapter with a letter, that pretty went out to everyone. It stated that everyone has the right to stay in the “badlands” (which are the areas not controlled by the government, and zombies are everywhere) or they could move into small cities that were trying to protect the people.The books about Death, himself coming into the world to stop the undead plague. In the next chapter, a man who just after a car crash is greeted by Death, Death asks were the Senator Moorecourt is? He was the only survivor in the other car. With Death literally looking for and lumping away from the undead, Moorecourt find a place to hide in a small warehouse, only to find out that there are two very well self-preserved Zombies in the warehouse with him...

Review - I love everything about this book so far, somethings always happening and it keeps you on your toes. The chapter kinda of jumps around so I’m excited to see what I’ll read about next.