Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How Do You Spell One Of The Greatest Words Ever?

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, that’s how dude. Ok so you want me to be random. Well, here I go. Ok this one I was walking down the road, when out of nowhere a unicorn comes out from the trees. I know a unicorn, I mean I love unicorns, but I didn’t even know they were ... you know really. That reminds me this one I was one myspace, and someone like sent me a unicorn message ... and just around the corner there’s a rainbow in the sky, so let have another cup of coffee and lets have another piece of pie... Dude what is the name of that song... I love that song. If only, if only I could remember. Remember shoes ... my vans are pretty hot. I love these shoes. There so nice. I never knew what millions of kinds of cookies there are in the world. So if someone ate your face off, what would you do. I would be like oh my goodness. Like, so what... Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh yeah!

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